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Aug 10, 2022
Being an adolescent during the pandemic
The group, that’s impacted extraordinarily much due to the pandemic are adolescents. Schools are closed, meeting friends limited, social...

Dec 28, 2020
Judgement and Decision-Making: A Global Perspective Part 2
How do we take decisions on a daily basis? Are they as rational, as we like to see ourselves deciding over things? No, we’re not, but...

Dec 22, 2020
Start up coaching
Standing on your own feet and carry all the responsibility is courageous, challenging, and at times lonely. The rollercoaster is up and...

Dec 21, 2020
Leadership breaks
Leadership involves courage, risk taking, trust, patience, and thought through decision-making. To be a successful leader, it’s crucial...

Dec 21, 2020
Group Development: Insights from Research
My research assessing group development has shown differences in productivity based on the culture. Flatter hierarchies such as in...

Dec 14, 2020
Optimal Performance
We all strive for optimal performance, to find the ideal balance of work and passion for life. But how can we achieve our goal for...

Dec 14, 2020
Routines to success
Routines are key to a successful, healthy life. Especially, during a year with so many disruptions of our daily lives. If you aim to...

Dec 10, 2020
Group Development
Working in groups is something most of us are familiar with and most likely also have experience with effective and difficult groups....

Dec 10, 2020
Holiday Season
It’s this time of the year when some of us cherish the cheers, holiday spirits and others would prefer it to be January so dearly. The...

Dec 10, 2020
Stress affects us all. You may notice symptoms of stress during busy times at work, when managing your finances, taking care of children,...

Nov 12, 2020
Jugendliche back @ school
Im heutigen Podcast bin ich im Gespräch mit Darinka, CEO der Praxis Kreis 2 und Mutter einer Jugendlichen. Wir diskutierten ihre...

Nov 12, 2020
Aktiv durch den Winter 2020
Der Winter ist da, Tage sind kürzer, die COVID-19 Fallzahlen steigen, viele Freizeitaktivitäten gestrichen und in Gyms nur wenige Leute...

Nov 3, 2020
Live from LA: Interview with an artist
In today’s episode I had the pleasure to talk to my friend and artist Emily Malan. She’s a fashion photographer for VOGUE and other...

Oct 27, 2020
Interview with a Swiss head of school
In today’s episode I talk to Geneviève Appenzeller-Combe, Head of Obersee Bilingual School. She’s currently in isolation at home, due to...

Oct 26, 2020
What's happening to the psyche of the world?
Sitting in rainy Milano, reflecting over the many discussions I’ve had with people from different professions, the experience to walk all...

Oct 26, 2020
Emotional Intelligence
In today’s episode, live streaming from Milano, I have the pleasure to talk to Emmanuelle, upper school teacher in French, (Personal,...

Oct 23, 2020
Women in today's society
What inspires me as a young female academic is to be a role model for future generations of women. Especially, being Swiss with a very...

Oct 23, 2020
Family Dynamics
Families and their patterns are familiar and universal, yet they tend to go about without our conscious awareness. It is very difficult...

Apr 26, 2020
COVID-19 doesn't know any borders
How do different cultures, societies react to COVID-19? How do we explain the powerful impact of social learning? Why has xenophobia...

Apr 26, 2020
Research in Global Mental Health
The consequences on global mental health due to COVID-19 will be significant and cause long-term impact on the global burden of disease....
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